
Avatar Chakras: What We Can Learn From Guru Pathik

In Season 2, Episode 19, Avatar Aang learns about 7 chakras from the mountain-dwelling Guru Pathik.

The guru teaches that Aang must open all his 7 chakras in order to control his Avatar state.

Of course, in the Avatar state, Aang became a superpowered entity – in various ways! But his lack of control over going in and out of the Avatar state was a problem for our hero.

Therefore, opening the chakras to build a stronger connection between his mind and body was the suggestion made for Aang to learn how to control his Avatar state.

And the lessons he learned from Guru Pathik can also be applied to our lives, here on Earth!

You must first bring balance to yourself before you bring balance to the world.”

Guru Pathik (Avatar: The Last Airbender – S2E19).

What Do We Know About The Avatar Chakras?

Information about chakras in the Avatar universe mostly come from Guru Pathik.

There is another Avatar universe reference to chakras, in The Rise of Kyoshi (a novel about Avatar Kyoshi’s teenage and young adult experiences). However, Guru Pathik provides the core knowledge and understanding needed to know the Avatar chakras.

In Avatar: The Last Airbender: Book 2 ‘Episode 19: The Guru’ (S2-E19), Guru Pathik explains the absolute basics of chakras to Avatar Aang.

Aang confessed that he didn’t know what chakras were; but he quickly learned from Pathik:

Aang: So chakras are like pools of spiralling energy in our bodies?

Guru Pathik: Exactly. If nothing else were around, this creek would flow pure and clear!
However, life is messy. And things tend to fall in the creek And then what happens?

Aang: The creek can’t flow?

Pathik: Yes. But if we open the paths between the pools…

Aang: The energy flows!

(Avatar: The Last Airbender – S2:E19).

What Are The 7 Avatar Chakras?

Guru Pathik: There are 7 chakras that go up the body. Each pool of energy has a purpose, and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional mark…

… be warned! Opening the chakras is an intense experience. And once you start, you cannot stop until all 7 are open. Are you ready?

In S2-E19, Guru Pathik guided Avatar Aang to open all of his 7 chakras, starting with:

1. The Earth Chakra

The Earth chakra is the Avatar universe’s equivalent of what we call the Root chakra.

In S2-E19, Aang (and we!) learn the following about the Earth chakra:

Guru Pathik: The first chakra is the Earth chakra, located at the base of the spine. It deals with survival, and is blocked by fear.

What are you most afraid of? Let your fears become clear to you.

*Aang sees Firelord Ozai, and screams*

Pathik: Aang, your vision is not real. You are concerned about your survival, but you must surrender those fears. Let your fears flow down the creek.

Our Deepest Fear:

People fear all sorts of things.

They fear change.

They fear failure.

They fear pain.

They fear death.

They fear loss.

But, actually, these fears are not our true fears. Above all, according to Marianne Williamson, our deepest fear is our infinite power.

This is one of the most inspiring quotes of all time:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God! Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love (1992).

According to Williamson’s philosophy, then, we all possess an inherent knowledge that we are capable of extraordinary things – that we are infinitely powerful.

And by not allowing ourselves to express our inherent, extraordinary nature, we cause ourselves to feel anxious.

Profound stuff!

And opening your Earth chakra can help with that.

How To Open the Earth Chakra:

So, while our deepest fear is our own infinite power, that fear can manifest itself in different ways.

That can be in the form of anxiety about an upcoming deadline…

Fear of failing an important task in our lives…

Or anything else that feels like it is crippling you at your very core.

Often, actually, people’s fears come down to an innate fear of death.

For example, anxiety about your job may derive from the fact that working your job is required to pay for shelter, food, etc. And such things ultimately come down to “not dying.”

Actually, considering death on a deep level is an excellent way to open your Earth chakra, and face your fears.

When you understand that death is not something to be feared, life becomes much more precious. And the preciousness of life puts your fears into perspective … it makes them seem very small.

Furthermore, death doesn’t need to be considered a dark thing – it can be thought of as a beautiful, liberating thing!

The fact that we must die makes life itself more valuable – the fact that we could die at any given moment makes our life all the more precious.

Consider Death:

For a reflection on death, consider these questions:

What do you remember about before you were alive?

When we do eventually die, how likely is it that we will be aware of our current life?

Why would you think that death will bring about an experience any different to your pre-birth?

If you have some beliefs about what happens to your life energy after you die – such as going to Heaven, or reincarnating – that’s perfectly fine.

In any case, understanding that death itself is not a frightening thing is vital to opening your Earth chakra.

When you realise that life is a fleeting, rare, and precious thing, you don’t worry so much about worldly things. And then you might allow yourself to express the truest version of your own self.

2. The Water Chakra

The second chakra in Pathik’s teachings was the water chakra. The Water chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent to the Sacral chakra.

Guru Pathik: Next is the Water chakra. This chakra deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. Look at all the guilt which burdens you so. What do you blame yourself for?

Aang: I ran away… I hurt all of those people.

Pathik: Accept the reality that these things happened. But do not let them cloud and poison your energy. If you are to be a positive influence on the world, you need to forgive yourself.

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that Pathik did not specify the location of the Water chakra.

That’s because Avatar: The Last Airbender is a TV series for children! And the chakra that deals with pleasure is located in the sacrum – a part of the human anatomy that many professional children’s writers treat with caution.

We could debate about whether that is a positive attitude to take when representing matters of sexuality to children … but that is not for this article. And I’m sure you can at least understand why children’s writers treat the topic with caution.

Our Reluctance To Pleasure:

Humans refuse pleasure these days, quite habitually.

Hollywood movies, politicians, religions – and other culturally-significant institutions – have a tendency to teach us that seeking pleasure is a selfish thing. We are taught that anything good in life must be achieved via a struggle.

A good example of how this is applied in our lives is regarding “work”.

Society seems to want us to believe that work is something hard and serious – and often something we don’t want to do.

But taking that attitude makes tasks more difficult than they need to be!

What if, instead, we believe that work is just a simple activity that requires a focusing of time and energy? That would be very similar to ‘playing’, in fact.

When washing dishes, for example, we could rejoice in the fact that we are improving our living conditions – and that’s something that we want to do. As opposed to reluctantly washing dishes, and only doing it because we have to.

No, no! Actually, we actively want to wash the dishes. If we didn’t, we know what the outcome would be … and it isn’t good.

Same goes for our day job. Maybe there are other jobs we would prefer to work (and nothing is stopping anybody from taking even very small steps in the direction of securing such work!). But we work our day job because it feeds us – and we would prefer to be fed than not be fed..

A Joyful Struggle

It is possible for us to enjoy the everyday tasks that we might otherwise complain about. To take pleasure in the life that we are leading.

In the movie Life is Beautiful, the main character (Guido) is a Jewish father. He is taken to a concentration camp during World War II, along with his young son.

But in the camp, Guido convinces his son that the tasks the prisoners must complete are not acts of slavery … but part of a game.

And because his son performs his slave tasks with the mindset of “this is a game” instead of “this is slavery,” he actually manages to enjoy the concentration camp.

In the words of Alan Watts, then:

Don’t make a distinction between work and play, regard everything that you’re doing, as play; and don’t imagine for one minute that you’ve got to be serious about it.”

Alan Watts: Work & Play

Perhaps you cannot change you life, in the physical realms. But if you change your mentality, then the whole world can become a playground!

And you might be surprised how many opportunities present themselves to you when you adopt such a positive mindset. Even in the physical world.

How To Open Your Water Chakra:

It is true that there are certain things we do in our lives that we regret later. And sometimes we look back and say “I wish I’d have acted a different way from how I did act.”

But what use is it to dwell on our mistakes? Who benefits from you punishing yourself?

We have a choice every single day to be a certain kind of person.

Every single day we choose whether or not to smile at someone or to frown at them.

We choose whether to see our day-to-day tasks as “chores” or as “games” that we are playing.

To open our water chakra, then, we have to accept the mistakes we have made in our lives. We must learn to forgive and allow ourselves to go forward with a positive frame of mind and perception of ourselves. That is what serves us best. And everybody deserves that.

3. The Fire Chakra

Guru Pathik then taught the third chakra to Aang – the Fire chakra. The Fire chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent to the Solar plexus chakra.

Pathik: Third is the Fire chakra, located in the stomach. This chakra deals with willpower, and is blocked by shame.

What are you ashamed of? What are your biggest disappointments in yourself?

Aang: (recalls burning Katara when he first practiced firebending) I’m never gonna firebend again I can’t.

Pathik: You will never find balance if you deny this part of your life. You are the Avatar, and therefore, you are a firebender.

Shame vs. Guilt

This chakra shares some similarities to the water chakra, in that our belief systems prevent us from pursuing what we really want.

But shame and guilt are different.

Guilt is when you feel directly bad about something you did – a choice you made.

Whereas shame is where you feel that something is inherently wrong with you.

In Aang’s case, he felt guilty because he left his people behind and believed it was a poor choice.

But he felt shame because he believed he was incapable of controlling the destructiveness of his firebending abilities. He believed firebending was a curse that he could never use for good.

How To Open The Fire Chakra

As Guru Pathik pointed out, we cannot change our nature.

If you were born into a culture that you believe has caused horrendous atrocities in the world that’s not your fault! You shouldn’t feel ashamed of where you come from. You should behave however you feel is good – regardless of your background.

If you were born with a physical disability, that isn’t your fault! You should be brave, and (in the words of Tyrion Lannister) “wear it [your perceived disadvantage] like a badge of honour!”

Opening the Fire chakra, then, requires you to look at yourself – your qualities, your realities – and get comfortable with them. To open the fire chakra, you kind of have to learn to love yourself.

After that, you will be able to do the things you want to do without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

If you love yourself and are able to perceive your flaws as features rather than disadvantages, then you can open your Fire chakra.

You are irregularly-shaped, perhaps. But in a unique and beautiful way! Like a cloud … have you ever seen a misshapen cloud?

4. The Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent of … hey! What do you know? It’s the heart chakra in our world, too!

Pathik: The fourth chakra is located in the Heart. It deals with love and is blocked by grief.

Lay all your grief out in front of you.

* Aang sees Monk Gyatso and the air nomads – his entire heritage that died without him. *

Pathik: You have indeed felt a great loss. But love is a form of energy, and it swirls all around us. The air nomads’ love for you has not left this world. It is still inside of your heart; and it is reborn in a form of new love. Let it flow away.

How To Open The Heart Chakra

This can be one of the most painful chakras to open.

Anybody who has experienced the death of a loved one or have been through a break up will understand why this can be painful.

But it doesn’t have to be.

We keep our loved ones alive by acting in ways that were influenced by them.

The love we have received, whether the sources of that still provide you with love or not, lives inside us forever.

For example, when a loved one dies, we still feel their presence in certain places. We still recognise their quirks in other people and places – their humour, their favourite music, their behaviours … their love.

And if you suffer a break up, whereby your ex-partner “does not love you any more” … well, the love that the two of you shared together never goes away. The two of you will always have that connection. And you can carry those experiences of love into your future relationships.

From past experiences of love, we have all learned what it is that we love about other people. Love given, then, is never love lost.

If you can recognise such things from your losses and grievances, you will be able to open your heart chakra. You will give yourself permission to love.

5. The Sound Chakra

The Sound chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent to the throat chakra.

Pathik: The fifth in the chain is the Sound chakra, located in the throat. It deals with the truth,and is blocked by lies – the ones we tell ourselves.

* Aang has flashback to conversation with Katara *

Katara: Why didn’t you tell us you were the Avatar?

Aang: Because I never wanted to be.

Pathik: You can not lie about your own nature. You must accept that you are the Avatar.

How To Open The Sound Chakra:

Opening the sound chakra requires bravery.

But that should be fairly easy after opening your water and fire chakras.

If you truly already accept yourself for who and what you are (including your flaws and mistakes) then being open and honest about those things should come naturally.

But it still requires some practice. Expressing our new-found understanding of our world and ourselves can still be a challenge. Especially when the people you are close to are not expecting you to behave in the new ways that you are going to.

Actually, when opening chakras and behaving in new ways, it is possible that you will grow apart from old friends. It isn’t that they are not good enough for you … it’s just that your social and spiritual needs from relationships has changed. And this is an opportunity for you to meet new people and start new relationships.

Changing old habits requires practice. But soon enough, when you experience the beautiful feeling of allowing truth to flow – even including the uncomfortable truths – you will understand that lies don’t serve anybody.

Telling people what they want to hear will only hurt them more in the long run.

We can open the sound chakra by being brave enough to express what we truly feel.

6. The Light Chakra

Avatar Sound Chakra

The light chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent of the Third-eye chakra.

Pathik: The sixth pool of energy is the Light chakra, located in the centre of the forehead. It deals with insight, and is blocked by illusion.

The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.

Aang: Like the four nations!

Pathik: Yes. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.

Aang: We are all connected. Everything is connected.

Pathik: That’s right. Even the separation of the four elements is an illusion. If you open your mind, you will see that all the elements are one; four parts of the same whole. Even metal is just a part of earth that has been purified and refined.

We Are All Connected

This is where things become a little more mystical!

No matter what you believe in – a Christian God; science; reincarnation – our interconnectedness is inescapable.

Understanding our interconnectedness is essential for opening this chakra.

– If you are a strict atheist, you can understand this by looking at the sun.

None of us here, today, can exist without the sun. We are inherently reliant on the sun continuing to burn. If it were to stop burning, your mobile phone or computer screen would immediately turn off … and you would know nothing about it!

And the sun is connected to all the other stars, scientifically speaking, as is suggested by the Big Bang Theory.

Everything is connected by space. And isn’t that quite beautiful?

– If you are a Christian, then the Bible tells us in several ways that we are all connected by our creator. All of us are expressions and children of God.

How To Open The Light Chakra

Opening the light chakra requires a deep, genuine knowledge and understanding that you are connected to everyone and everything else in this world – and even this universe.

When you truly understand that we are all cut from the same cloth, it becomes very difficult to hate anybody else. It even becomes very difficult to judge anybody else – because you realise that you are also capable of behaving in similar ways to those that you might judge.

And, ultimately, you realise that our existence is, in and of itself, a miracle. The experience of being alive at all is a blessing – God or no God!

7. The Thought Chakra

The Thought chakra is the Avatar universe equivalent to the crown chakra.

Pathik taught it in this way:

Pathik: Once you open this (last) chakra, you will be able to go in and out of the Avatar state at will. And when you are in the Avatar state, you will have complete control and awareness of all your actions.

The Thought chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment.

Meditate on what attaches you to this world.

Now, let all of those attachments go – let them flow down the river; forgotten.

Aang: What? Why would I let go of Katara? I love her.

Pathik: Learn to let go, or you cannot let the cosmic energy flow in from the Universe.

Our Attachments & Our Awareness

For many people, this can be the most difficult of all the chakra to unblock.

To unblock the other chakras, we are forced to look into “ourselves” – and we perceive “ourselves” as individuals.

As individuals, we are attached to many things. Our home; our family; our friends; our clothes; our food; our lovers … we have so many attachments! It might be impossible to list them all.

So to let go of our attachments, and allow them to be free – at the risk of possibly losing them forever – requires an incredible level of awareness.

Of course, not everybody wants to completely let go of their attachments. Not everybody wants to abandon their lives and go to meditate in the mountains for the rest of their lives!

But, actually, letting go of our attachments doesn’t require that.

Letting go of our attachments requires us to be aware that what we consider to be “ours” is not actually “ours” at all.

Your mobile phone is considered “yours” by society … but the universe could take that phone away from you at any second. Perhaps a mugger will take it from you; perhaps its battery will die an absolute death; perhaps a gust of wind will snatch it from your hand and throw it down a drain!

Similarly, our lovers are never truly “ours.” They may choose to leave us at any given moment.

And we should allow them the freedom to do so, if we are to be good lovers ourselves.

Letting Go

It can be so challenging to let go of things we care about.

To give a lover the freedom to leave you at any moment? That can create a level of insecurity that frightens many people.

But true love, really, is not about ownership.

To quote Osho:

If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it, then it dies – and ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.”

Osho Rajneesh.

Taking ownership of something changes its nature. But it’s also true that many of us would appreciate the same respect from our own partners – the freedom to leave, express ourselves!

A healthy relationship, with the purest and truest form of love, requires that kind of trust.

How To Open The Thought Chakra:

The universe works in curious ways To get what we think we want, we sometimes need to stop wanting it so much. We have to let go of our desperation – of our desires, attachments.

To open the thought chakra, we have to put our faith into the universe. We have to stop wanting so much. We have to give freedom to others that we expect them to give us.

And we have to stop believing things belong to us.

The only constant in this universe is change. We can’t cling to anything in this life, because they will inevitably be snatched away from us.

To open the thought chakra, we must let go. Once and for all.

In Conclusion:

The chakras of the Avatar universe are extremely similar to those in Hindu origin.

And you can definitely learn to open your own chakras using the guidelines provided by Guru Pathik!

Maybe you can’t enter the Avatar state … but you can certainly enter a state of consciousness whereby your ability to undertake tasks is increased.

You can become a stronger, more powerful version of yourself.

So what are you waiting for?!

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Your Ultimate Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters Guide

Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of those very few shows that have achieved cult status and every character on the show is extremely popular with the show’s very loyal fanbase. This show has always been thought of as a kid’s show. But every adult who has ever watched it has become a fan. The storyline is very unique and the progression of the show is unmatched. Even the depth of all the characters on Avatar: The Last Airbender has no parallel in any of the other animated tv shows that have aired.

And it is probably one of the very few shows where the show focuses a lot on providing the viewer with the best experience. Because of this approach, the show was extremely enjoyable. One of the reasons behind the popularity of this show is the wide array of characters and their depth. In this article, we will look at some of the main characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender that made this show an extremely memorable one.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters

This section will list some of the main characters of the show.

1. Avatar Aang

Aang is the main lead character of the show and is responsible for keeping and maintaining peace between all the four sovereign nations of the Avatar Universe. He is also the Avatar meaning that he is the only person that is allowed to bend all four of the elements. Although Avatar Aang is merely a kid but has gone through a lot. He was a child when he was declared the Avatar because of the impending danger from the Fire Nation. Because of this all of his friends drifted away. He was only close to monk Gyatso but the elders decided to send him to another monastery away from Gyatso.

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On hearing this Aang ran away but met a storm that nearly took his life when his Avatar state took over and froze him along with Appa. He then remained frozen for about a hundred years until he was discovered by Sokka and Katara.

When he woke up he came to know about the war of hundred years and how Firelord Sozin destroyed all the Airbender colonies killing their inhabitants in search of Aang. But he did not have any time to grieve as he had to stop Firelord Max Ozai from conquering and destroying all other nations and stopping this war. Aang’s story was extremely tragic and emotional but this never stopped him and he still maintained a playful and carefree attitude throughout the show.

2. Katara

Katara is also the female lead of the show. She played the role of Aang’s love interest but she did not pursue her feelings until their mission of stopping the Firelord and ending the war was completed. Katara is also the one who trained Aang in mastering the art of Waterbending. She is also one of the most prolific Waterbenders of the show. And was an excellent healer as well. She is also the one who revived Aang when he was struck by Azula’s lightning bolt that killed him. Katara also helped Zuko as well as numerous other characters on the show. Without her the show is incomplete.

3. Sokka

Sokka is Katara’s brother. And is also the character that provided the fans with the most comical moments of the show. He was also the planner of the team Avatar. And planned everything extensively. He was also the mastermind behind the invasion planned on “The Day of The Black Sun”.

Sokka was not a bender but that never stopped him from being the person whom everybody could rely on. Sokka later went on to become a swordmaster and forged his own sword using the material of a fallen meteorite.

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4. Toph

She became a part of the team in book two. And was actually the physically blind daughter of the Beifong family. Her parents thought that she was a very weak and fragile little girl. But actually, she was an excellent Earthbender and was famous by the name of “The Blind Bandit” and was the undisputed champion of an Earthbending competition as well.

She was initially hesitant to train Aang but finally joined the team Avatar and trained Aang. She was initially at odds with Katara but both of them managed to work out their differences. And she also became an inseparable part of the team Avatar.

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5. Zuko

The last member to join the team Avatar was Zuko. He was one of the most important characters on Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was introduced as a banished prince who was looking for the Avatar to seek his redemption. But over the course of the show, his character arc developed into following the right path. And for this, he chose to become a part of the Team Avatar.

He became Aang’s master and taught him the art of firebending.

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6. Uncle Iroh

Uncle Iroh is one of the most important characters on Avatar: The Last Airbender and helped the team several times. He also joined Zuko in his search for Aang to guide him towards the right path. And the reason Zuko chose to do the right thing was his Uncle.

He was an extremely learned character and was able to see spirits with his naked eye. He also formed the order of the White Lotus and played an important role in ending the hundred-year war.

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7. Azula

Azula was the evil sister of Zuko. She was born a fire prodigy and was an excellent Firebender. Azula was the main antagonist of the show and followed the Team Avatar with her friends Ty Lee and Mai.

She is an extremely ruthless leader and was able to take Ba Sing Se by becoming the head of Dai Li. Azula pursued the team Avatar to destroy them and nearly succeeded on several occasions. And was even responsible for striking Aang with a lightning bolt in his Avatar form.

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A Look Into The HORRIBLE Live-Action Avatar Film

A Look Into The HORRIBLE Live-Action Avatar Film

The live-action Avatar film is titled “The Last Airbender.” It was released in 2010 and was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film was based on the first book of the “Avatar: The Last Airbender” TV Series. And was initially planned as a trilogy. But after the film’s release, it failed to impress the audiences, and even the most loyal of fans were disappointed with the result that they got to see in the theatres.

As a result, the film did not have an impressive run at the box office. And the planned sequels were canceled. In this article, we will look at the plot of the film and the reasons behind its failure at the box office, as well as some of the controversies that this film had its share.

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The plot of The Live-Action Avatar Film

The Last Airbender was based on the first book of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was envisioned as a faithful adaptation, and the film mostly stayed loyal to its source material. The movie started when a hundred years of the war had passed since Fire Nation had declared war on the remaining nations to complete their conquest of the entire Avatar universe. Sokka and Katara discover an unusual iceberg, and on closer inspection, they see Aang and Appa trapped in it.

They free both of them, and this breaking of the iceberg in which Aang and Appa were trapped releases a beam of light. Zuko discovers this beam who himself is searching for the Avatar. And this search leads him to Karara and Sokka’s village in the Southern Water Tribe. There Aang surrenders himself to save the town but manages to escape with the help of Appa, Katara, and Sokka. After it is revealed that he is the Avatar, they head to the Southern Air Temple, only for Aang to discover that the entire civilization of the Air Nomads has been wiped out. And in grief, he enters an Avatar state.

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After leaving the Air Temple, they are trapped in an Earth Kingdom colony where they incite rebellion and free the people from their Fire Nation invaders. Aang then reveals that he is the Avatar, but he still needs to master the remaining elements to stop the Firelord. They then start their journey towards the Northern Water Tribe so that Aang can master Waterbending next.

Ending of Live-Action Avatar Film

Aang and Katara are trained by Master Paku there. Meanwhile, Commander Zhao leads an invading fleet of naval ships to the Northern Water Tribe to capture the Avatar. We also get to see “The Blue Spirit,” an alter-ego of Zuko, which he uses to save Avatar from Zhao so that he can himself capture him.

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When Commander Zhao reaches Northern Water Tribe and battle ensues, and he can kill the Moon Spirit. Uncle Iroh shows Zhao his mastery of Firebending, and a frightened Zhao runs away before he is captured and drowned by Waterbenders. Meanwhile, Aang enters his Avatar state after being guided by the Dragon spirit. And manipulates the ocean waves to destroy the Fire Nation fleet and save the Northern Water Kingdom. At the same time, princess Yue sacrifices her life to restore the Moon Spirit.

After the Firelord is informed about this defeat, he tasks his daughter Azula to stop the Avatar.

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Why Did The Movie Flop

There were many reasons behind the flop of this film. We will discuss these reasons in this section.

1. Movie Runtime

The movie was only 90 minutes long and the book that it was based on comprised 20 episodes. The audiences were very disappointed that the film was not long enough. And due to this, crucial scenes were not included in the movie.

2. Dull Plot And Direction

The plot was very dull and was not helped by the equally non-engaging direction of the film. M. Night Shymalan is an excellent director but this film was called his worst to date.

3. Casting Controversy

The film was universally criticized for whitewashing as most of the actors were white and were not cast from the Asian ethnicities on which the show was based. And due to this reason, the first impression of the film was negative.

4. Poor Acting

As the whitewashing Controversy was not enough. The cast managed to strike the wrong chords with the audiences once again when they delivered incredibly dull and poor acting performances. These performances were not engaging enough for the audiences instead of the TV show.

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Future Of Live-Action Avatar

Netflix announced a live-action TV series, and as of now, the four lead characters have been finalized for the show. This time, the creators have cast actors that belong to Asian ethnicities, avoiding the whitewashing title of “The Last Airbender.”


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meelo from legend of korra

Your Ultimate Guide To Meelo From The Legend Of Korra

Meelo is the grandson of Avatar Aang and is one of the last surviving Airbenders in the Avatar universe. Meelo is also one of the most interesting characters on The Legend of Korra TV Show. He is the primary character that provides comic relief in the series throughout the four seasons. He is the son of Tenzin. Tenzin himself is the son of Avatar Aang. Aang married Katara and had three children in total. Two sons and one daughter. One son was named Bhumi and was a non-bender but developed the Airbending ability later in life. The other was Tenzin, who is also amongst the main leads of The Legend of Korra, along with his children, including Meelo.

The daughter of Avatar Aang was a Waterbender just like her mother and was named Kya. Both Bhumi and Kya were not shown to have any families on the show. But it is possible that they had families of their own which were not featured on the show. But in this article, we will focus on Meelo and how he developed on the show.

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The first time we see Meelo is when Tenzin arrives at her mother’s place, where Korra is staying. We see Meelo when he is sucking on Tenzin’s head for the first time in the series. Katara picks her up, but Meelo gets uncomfortable and starts playing with her sisters joking that he is a snow bender.

We again see Meelo when Korra runs away from Katara’s place to come to Republic city at the Air Temple Island, where Tenzin lives with his family. Tenzin reluctantly agrees to train Korra so that she can master her last remaining element. And during her training, Meelo is always present there. Even when she struggles to pass through the air-bending gates, Meelo advises her to be the leaf.

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Meelo was also a part of the meditation exercise in The Legend of Korra. During this exercise, Korra could not focus while meditating, at which Tenzin pointed toward Meelo, saying that her focus should be more like Meelo. While in reality, Meelo has just fallen asleep, which Tenzin mistakes for his focus while meditating.

Fart-Bending Event

Fartbending is a slang term for Meelo’s ability to use farts to his advantage while in battle. We got to see this ability of Meelo for the first time when Equalists attacked the Air Temple Island, and Lin was fighting against them. When she is about to be defeated, all of Tenzin’s children jump into the fight to help Lin. And it was Meelo who outperformed them all by annihilating six of the equalists.

He not only used Airbending to neutralize the threat but also used the deadly farts he had been harboring to defeat the attackers. He jumped on each one of them and farted on their faces. This use of farts was termed Fartbending by the fans.

In a later episode, when Korra is going on a covert mission with the rest of the Team Avatar. Meelo wants to join in and is angry with the team for ignoring him. Korra then consoles little Meelo that this mission requires stealth and silence. And although he is an excellent Airbender, he is not that discreet in referring to his farting habit. Meelo agrees and understands why he is not a part of this stealth wanting mission.

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Trainer For Young Airbenders

When Tenzin and his family relocated to Southern Air Temple with some new Airbenders for training, Meelo was put in charge while Tenzin was absent. He is an excellent trainer but is very strict and dictatorial in his approach, which develops even more with passing the time as he also bosses over his sisters all the time as well.

When they first reached the temple, Meelo found a lemur and named him Loki. And started training him, but Tenzin did not like his approach. And ultimately, Meelo failed in preparing the lemur as he had rewarded him too much. Then Tenzin offered to teach him to become a master trainer, to which he agreed. And to Tenzin’s surprise and appreciation, not only does Meelo train poki but all other lemurs on the temple and orders the by using a whistle.

Future Appearances

Meelo has always been a regular character on The Legend of Korra and have been shown to grow older as the series progressed. The first time we saw him he was just five years old sucking on his dad’s head while towards the end of the series he was an active Airbender and played an important role in defeating Kuvira and her forces that attacked Republic city. But as he grew older he developed a self-centered personality placing himself incharge of everything.

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Conception and Design

Meelo was originally designed to be a charming kid with a very different personality than what we got to see in the series. This change resulted from the last change in character designs and conception that made Meelo more of a naughty child with the cuteness toned down a little. Additionally, the creators cited that instead of making him physically cute, they loaded his comic relief and joke with cuteness. Hence, the greater he does the funny thing, the more attractive he becomes to the audience.

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Meelo is one of the best characters in The Legend of Korra because he does what nobody else can. And that is to do stupid things and mix it up with his incredible talent to entertain everybody. If you liked our article on Meelo, visit our website to read other similar features on other characters from the Avatar Universe.

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The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13 Synopsis

The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13 Synopsis

Avatar: The Last Airbender was a fantastic show, but it lacked true villains except Azula and Ozai. We only got to see Aang and Ozai in a one-on-one battle. And he never battled Azula in a proper match. But The Legend of Korra was full of villains that could easily give the Avatar a run for her money. And The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13 is one of those episodes where Korra faces a mighty foe. Season 3 of The Legend of Korra featured the Red Lotus as the primary antagonists, with episode 13 featuring the most awaited fight of the season.

This fight featured Avatar Korra taking on Zaheer. And Zaheer nearly had the upper hand throughout the war and was even successful in his mission to poison Korra. And in this article, we will look at how these events unfolded and how Korra survived this deadly attack on her life.


Red Lotus is the opposite of the order of the White Lotus. Where White Lotus strived to restore balance to the world. Red Lotus existed for the opposite. It is a group of anarchists who only wanted to spread anarchy across the globe. What better way to spread anarchy than to kill the Avatar. Throughout the season, we see the development of the primary antagonist Zaheer. Zaheer formed the Red Lotus because he considered the decision of Avatar Wan to separate Vaatu and Raava. And believed that this action disrupted the balance of the world.

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Initial Appearance of The Red Lotus

Zaheer and his fellow Red Lotus member Unalaq devised a plan to kidnap Korra, who was just a child. They wanted to use her to open the Spirit World and free Vaatu. Although Unalaq pulled out at the last minute, Zaheer, Ghazan, P’li, and Ming-Hua followed the plan. Their plan was discovered and foiled by Tenzin, Zuko, and Sokka, who then imprisoned them in prisons specially made for them.

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Appearance in Season 3

In the third season of The Legend Of Korra, many people developed the ability to Airbend after the harmonic convergence. And Zaheer was one of them. He was a Master in Martial Arts and was fascinated with Airbending and used to study Guru Laghima even when he was not even a member of The Red Lotus. So when he developed the ability to Airbend, he was able to master this ability with very little training. After which, he escaped from his prison cell as it was only designed to imprison a non-bender.

After breaking out of his prison cell, he also freed the other captured members of the Red Lotus. And convinced them that his Airbending ability is a gift so that he can continue the mission of the Red Lotus.

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Chasing After The Avatar

Zaheer shaved his hair and went to Air Temple Island to ask for help as he is a young Airbender in need of guidance. And he earned praise from Meelo as he passed through the Air Gates like a leaf. He started inquiring about Korra and discovered that she had split from Tenzin, which he termed unfortunate. At that night, he went into Tenzin’s study and picked a locket with the poem of Guru Laghima. After which, Kya confronted him, and he barely escaped from the island with the help of other Red Lotus members.

After this, the whole season develops into how Zaheer and other members of Red Lotus try and catch Korra. They also kill the Earth Queen to spread anarchy throughout the Earth Kingdon. They take several measures to capture her. These measures include charging Tenzin’s family to blackmailing Korra. Zaheer is also shown to develop the ability to fly using his Airbending and became only the second person after Guru Laghima. Tenzin even expressed that he thought that this was not possible.

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The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13

Korra surrenders to Zaheer to protect the benders in the second last episode. After which, a battle ensues between the Team Avatar and Red Lotus after they try to double-cross Korra. But after the war, Zaheer unlocks the ability to fly and is successful in capturing the Avatar.

The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13 starts with Zaheer and the rest of the Red Lotus members torturing a chained-up Korra to the point that they poison her with mercury so that she changes into an Avatar state and dies due to the poisoning. Thus breaking the Avatar cycle.

But to their surprise, even after being poisoned, an angry Avatar state Korra overpowers all of them. And Team Avatar rescues the Airbenders and starts fighting with other members of Red Lotus. Meanwhile, Korra goes after Zaheer, and they fight until the injected poison further weakens her, and she falls. Zaheer notices that all his companions have been neutralized and killed. And he tries to fly away after looking at Korra’s condition. But is pulled back by a vortex created by Jinora and other Airbenders.

Inside the vortex, a weakened Korra pulls Zaheer down using the chain she was tied with and passes out. Zaheer is captured but states that it is too late as the poison has already done its job. Jinora shouts that there is still hope as the poison is metallic. And Suyin Metalbends the poison out of Korra. The episode ends Two weeks later, in Republic City, a weakened, wheelchair-bound Korra watches as Tenzin anoints Jinora as an Airbending master and announcing that the Air Nomads will adopt the traditional nomadic life to provide service to the world, following Korra’s example.

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The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 13 is one of the most popular episodes of the series. If you liked this article, visit our website to read other interesting articles on the Avatar universe.

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Your Ultimate Guide To Tenzin From The Legend of Korra

Your Ultimate Guide To Tenzin From The Legend of Korra

Tenzin is the youngest son of Avatar Aang and is the oldest surviving Airbender in the Avatar Universe. He lives on Air Temple Island with his family. He has four children, namely Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan. With the former three all being highly-skilled Airbenders. Tenzin is one of the lead protagonists in The Legend of Korra. Tenzin also serves as the Airbending master for Avatar Korra and plays a vital role in assisting the Avatar throughout the series.

He is also very focused on re-establishing the Nomadic lifestyle of Airbenders. But the number of Air Nomads was only restricted to Tenzin and his three children. So he was never really able to adopt this lifestyle. But after the Harmonic Convergence, people started to develop Airbending abilities, and Tenzin became the Master of all these new Airbenders and guided them so that they could learn the ways of Air Nomads. In this article, we will focus on how Tenzin helped guide Korra and assist her in defeating her enemies.

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Tenzin became an essential part of the Republic City because he was the only surviving Airbender after his father. And it remained this way until his children were born and became Airbenders themselves. Tenzin represented the Air Nomads on the Republic City Council. And was also tasked with various peace-keeping missions throughout the city. For example, when Korra was just a child, Zaheer and the Red Lotus planned to kidnap the young Avatar in hopes of freeing Vaatu. And their plan was also foiled when Tenzin, Lin, and Zuko stopped them and imprisoned the Red Lotus members.

As Tenzin was the only Air Nomad born in 100 years, he was extensively taught the traditions and customs of the Air Nomads by his father. And eventually earned the traditional Air Nomad arrow tattoos, symbolizing his status as an Airbending master. During his youth, he and Lin Beifong were a couple, but their relationship was eventually called off because of Tenzin’s wish to have children. At the same time, Lin wanted to focus on her career. Tenzin eventually married Pema, an Air acolyte, and started his family.

We see Tenzin in the first episode of The Legend of Korra for the first time. He arrives at the Southern Water Tribe on his flying bison along with his family. Meelo is sucking on his head when they arrive at the Southern Water Tribe. He arrived at the South Pole to train Korra in her Airbending. But when he delayed Korra’s training and returned to Republic City, Korra also ran away and came to teach with him at the Air Temple Island. However, Tenzin was initially hesitant but later agreed to train Korra at Temple Island.

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Encounter With The Equalists

When Korra came to Republic City and witnessed, Amon is taking Mako’s bending away. She challenged him to an open duel. Tenzin tried his best to stop her but to no avail. He also consoled her when she started crying in fear of Amon’s capabilities. Amon threatened to respond to Korra’s challenge at the Pro-Bending Tournament. After which, Tenzin advocated for the tournament to stop and the Pro-Bending Arena to close down, but he was outvoted.

All his doubts came to realization when Amon attacked the Arena and wreaked havoc. Later he was kidnapped with his children by Amon. Who wished to take their bending away in front of the public. However, Korra and Team Avatar intervened, and Tenzin and his family were rescued. And together, they were successful in exposing themselves as a Waterbender ultimately defeating the Equalists movement.

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Later Adventures

When Jinora’s body was trapped inside the Spirit World by Unalaq, Tenzin, Kya and Bumi went to her rescue. They met Uncle Iroh, who told them that Jinora was trapped inside the Fog of Lost Souls. They all went there but became lost due to the strong poison around them. While breaking down under this immense pressure, a spirit of Avatar Aang came to him and told him to follow his path. This gave Tenzin clarity, and he was able to rescue Kya, Bumi, and Jinora from the Fog.

Tenzin also brought Korra to the Tree of Time, telling them that it was not Raava but the accomplishments of the Avatar that defined her. And inspired her to fight and defeat Unalaq.

He also became the Master of the newfound Airbender and started training them. Meanwhile, I helped Korra throughout. When the Red Lotus attacked and captured Tenzin and his family, Korra surrendered to save Tenzin and his family. Season 3 of The Legend of Korra focuses on how the young Avatar takes down The Red Lotus with the help of Tenzin and others. And also helps Korra in taking down Kavira and rehabilitating the refugees of Republic City. Tenzin is one of the most integral characters throughout The Legend Of Korra series.

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Tenzin has a very calm but strict demeanor compared to the carefree Aang. He does have a sense of humor at times. Tenzin also occasionally shows bits of craziness and works hard to suppress this. He always tries to be a calm person, an attempt that is sometimes nullified by his menacing children or even his siblings. Even Katara describes him as a severe child from the start. He has always been burdened with carrying the fate of the Air Nation which had made him very serious about things in life.

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Airbending Capabilities

Tenzin is considered the most powerful Airbender after his father Aang. This is because he was extensively trained in all the air-bending techniques by Avatar Aang himself. It was not until Zaheer mastered Guru Laghima’s flying technique that he actually surprised. Even Zaheer, with so much power could never take on Tenzin alone. And all of the elemental masters of the Red Lotus attacked Tenzin at once that he was overpowered. And even in such conditions, he still did not give up showing his commitment to doing the right thing.

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Tenzin is among the most potent modern-day Airbenders and is solely responsible for training all the future Airbenders. If you liked this article, visit our website, which offers a complete library of information on the Avatar Universe.

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A Detailed Guide To Select Which Avatar Character Are You

Avatar: The Last Airbender was a popular TV show at the time of its launch. It instantly became a fan-favorite and was one of the most popular shows on Nickelodeon. The show even got a sequel by the name of “The Legend of Korra“. But after The Legend of Korra ended the series did not receive any more sequels. And due to immense fan pressure and the popularity of the series. The creators did release some comic books and graphic novels. At that time all fans started to compare themselves with the characters. And started asking each other the question Which Avatar Character Are You?

After the series ended, it still remained popular with a dedicated fan base. But fell out of public sight in general. All of this changed when Netflix picked up the series and even announced a live-action TV series true to the source material. The show has now achieved even more popularity, than ever before after Netflix picked it up. With this massive resurgence in popularity, the then famous question of “Which Avatar Character are you” has again become popular as well.

So in this article, we will present you with a complete guide through which you can easily identify Which Avatar character are you from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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Which Avatar Character Are You

If we answer this question humorously, then I really don’t think that any of us will qualify to be called any name other than Sokka. Because none of us actually possess the amazing bending capabilities that made the characters really enviable. But Jokes aside it is not the bending ability that makes us relatable to the Avatar characters. It is our common beliefs that unite us.

In this section, we will list the habits and core beliefs of each Avatar character for you. In this way, you can study these characters and relate yourself to the character with whom you share the most common habits and beliefs and know truly which Avatar character are you.


Sokka can very rightly be called the soul of the team Avatar. Because not only did he provide comic relief in otherwise serious situations, he did everything in his power to help the group. He is someone that everyone could always rely on. And is also the one that intricately plans the events that the group needs to follow. And most of all he is someone who is good with the ladies. Most of all, Sokka believed in always helping his family no matter what the cost.

If you have any or even some of these above habits then you are definitely the soul of your group as well in the form of Sokka.

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Katara is someone who might come off as snotty and upright at first glance. But deep down she has a heart of gold. And because of this she always fulfills her commitments. She even went penguin sledding with Aang as she committed it with him. She is also emotional sometimes because of all the stress and care she feels for her friends and family but even in these emotions, she drives her friends to achieve their goals no matter what.

If you are also someone who believes in helping your friends then you are definitely Katara.


Toph is someone who is emotionally closed off and does not express her emotions very easily. She likes to travel alone but once she finds a loyal group of friends she also has the ability to become an integral part of the group. She did the exact thing when she became an integral part of the Team Avatar. Most of all, Toph is an extremely skilled person who is not shy of sharing her skills but her teaching methods are rather unconventional as she forces her students to hold their ground. Toph is also an innovator as she invented a new bending art all by herself.

If you have any of these capabilities then you can hold your ground and safely say that you are Toph.

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Zuko is someone who initially set out to prove himself to his father. But along the show, he chose to do the right thing and had the guts to leave everything in order to do it. This is a very rare quality and is very hard to find. Because the right path is difficult to find but it is even more difficult to follow it. Most of all Zuko never has any second thoughts once he takes a decision. He might take his time to make a decision but after the decision is final there is no turning back for Zuko.

If you also have similar beliefs or habits and stand by what is right no matter what, then you are definitely Prince Zuko.


Aang is portrayed as a goofy character but perhaps he is the most strong character of the series emotionally. As he had to face insurmountable feelings of loss, guilt, and sorrow when he came to know about the extinction of the Air Nomads. But even after what he went through he never let his emotions cloud his judgment and proceeded to fulfill his destiny.

So if you are someone who has iron nerves but still manages to make everyone around you smile, then you are definitely Aang.

Bonus Feature Uncle Iroh

If you respect traditions and have immense knowledge about everything. But still, believe that everything can be resolved with a cup of tea then you can safely drink your tea and call yourself Uncle Iroh.

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If you liked this article, then do visit our website to read other articles on Avatar Universe as well. Our website offers complete information on everything and everyone in the Avatar Universe.

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Your Guide To Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise

Your Guide To Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise

Avatar: The Last Airbender The Promise is a three-part graphic novel that continues right after the ending of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The show was considered a success at the time of its airing. And it became even more successful when it came to Netflix. But we still did not get any direct sequels to this tv show. The Legend of Korra did not pick up immediately after Avatar: The Last Airbender ended. And was set sometime after the events of the original show. During this timeline, Avatar Aang had passed away, and Korra became the new Avatar after his demise.

So there was always this urge by the fans to know what happened after the original show had ended. The fans have always been interested in seeing the events between the two shows. And “Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise” filled this gap by detailing the events after Avatar Aang succeeded in ending the hundred-year war.

In this article, we will look at the events during the three parts of Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise.

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Plot Synopsis

After the events of the Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko becomes the new Firelord and, together with Aang and the others, start the harmony restoration movement. This movement aims to disband all the fire colonies in all other nations so that balance can be restored. But issues arise when Zuko is faced with the complex culture of these colonies, especially the older ones such as Yu Dao.

The citizens of Yu Dao have become mixed-race. Most of the children born as a result of inter-marriages between citizens of Fire Nation and Earth Nation consider themselves members of the Fire Nation. They are making it impossible for these colonies to be removed. And when Zuko withdraws his support from the movement, he is confronted by the people of the Earth Kingdom and the forces of Earth King Kuei. The novel focuses on how this crisis is solved.

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Part 1

Part 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise focuses on how Zuko started the Harmony Restoration Movement to remove the Fire Nation colonies from the Earth Kingdom and relocate all the inhabitants of these colonies to the Fire Nation. Zuko is also faced with his inner demons and fears that he will become his father. And tells Aang to kill him if that ever happens.

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After a year has passed since the start of the harmony restoration movement, Zuko escapes an assassination attempt. It is revealed that the attempt was made by Kori Morishita of the Morishita family of Yu Dao. Yu Dao is the oldest colony of Fire Nation. And he goes there to confront the Morishita family. While visiting the city he learns of the reasons behind the assassination attempt. And how the citizens of Yu Dao have become integrated with the people from the Earth Kingdom. The people from both the kingdoms have intermarried and their children also consider themselves as Fire Nationals. And they feel that this movement is taking what is rightfully theirs.

After experiencing these issues Zuko withdraws his support for the movement. This results in backlash from the freedom fighters as well as other citizens of the Earth Nation. As a result, Aang and the rest of the team Avatar reach Yu Dao to talk to Zuko. Aang maintains that the colony should be removed as this is the only way to restore peace to the world. But Zuko does not agree to which Aang reluctantly agrees to talk to King Kuei. And Zuko visits his father for his advice.

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Part 2

When Aang reaches Ba Sing Se, he meets members of his fan movement and enjoys their company for a while. But departs to meet the Earth King. King Kuei does not listen to Aang and Katara. And to appear strong, he mobilizes his forces to remove Yu Dao. And to successfully continue with the restoration movement. Meanwhile, Zuko is advised by his father to ready his troops to protect the citizens of Yu Dao, anticipating the mobilization of Earth Kingdom forces by their king. Zuko disagrees, fearing that he will become like his father if he chooses to do this.

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Meanwhile, Sokka learns that Toph had opened up a Metal bending academy in Yu Dao, which has been taken over by a rival Fire Nation dojo. Sokka agrees to a competition between the students of both the dojo’s to decide the fate of the Academy. But learns that none of Toph’s students actually know metalbending. Toph inspires her students to understand it and win the match.

Meanwhile, Zuko learns about the Earth Kingdom forces marching on Yu Dao and prepares his forces admitting that his father was right.

Part 3

Katara about their collective future confronts aang if the nations are to separate. And she convinces him that this is a new world. Aang understands when the forces of both the Nations are to collide. But is confronted by Roku, who advises him to kill Zuko as this is the only way to restore balance to the Avatar universe. After this advice, Aang severs his connection with his past selves and tells him that the world is not the same as when the last Avatar lived. Aang goes into his Avatar state and uses Earthbending to separate both the forces and protect Zuko.

Meanwhile, Katara reaches the Earth King and convinces him to visit Yu Dao to understand the matter. To which he agrees and visits the colony. Kuei meets the protestors and other citizens of Yu Dao and understands that this is a new kind of world and Zuko was right all along. Zuko, on facing this revelation, faints. After he wakes up, Kuei, Aang, and Zuko decide that this must not be called a Fire Nation colony now, and the foundations of Republic City are laid down in essence.

The novel ends with Zuko confronting a now incarcerated Azula about their mother.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Varrick From The Legend of Korra

Varrick is one of the most interesting characters on The Legend of Korra. And has a satisfying story arc that shifts from eccentricity to greed. And afterward, his call of conscience to do the right thing can defeat his greed and self-interest. He is a billionaire that came from very humble southern water tribe roots.

Although he is a non-bender, he is one of the most intelligent people in the Avatar Universe. He also has a very luxurious lifestyle which he likes to flaunt everywhere he goes. Zhu Li, his secretary, always accompanies him and later develops romantic feelings for her. They both professed their feelings to each other during Kuvira’s war as they thought they might not live through it.

In this article, we look at the history of Varrick, his personality and abilities, and his life throughout The Legend of Korra.

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Varrick was born into a low-income family of seal hunters. He also had an ostrich horse named Mrs. Beak as a pet. Unfortunately, the circus later took away Mrs. Beak. Varrick started his business enterprise from just a single canoe and was able to expand it into a global company with bases all around the Avatar Universe.

He ultimately became the sole controller of the worldwide shipping industry. He is always searching for good business opportunities and is one of the most successful business owners throughout the Avatar world. Varrick even offered Asami Sato assistance to restore Future Industries to its glory after the arrest of Hiroshi Sato in The Legend of Korra.

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He is one of the wealthiest people in the Avatar world. And subsequently is used to having his every need catered to. As no one is willing to speak up to him because of his influence and money, he has delusions of self-grandeur, such as when he believed he was levitating. But he is an excellent judge of character. And is portrayed as a person who only holds his self-interests dear to him. For this reason, he deliberately started a Civil war between the Northern and Southern Water tribes to generate profit.

But later in his life, he stopped being greedy and put the peoples’ interest first when he refused to weaponize the spirit wines as he believed that such power should not fall into the wrong hands. After his marriage to Zhu Li, he started to display a more mature personality instead of his bachelor life.

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Varrick is an excellent innovator and aggressive businessman. He is always on the lookout for more business opportunities. He is a non-bender but is physically fit and usually shows his fitness by performing a backflip at the end of his brainstorming sessions.

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Life Throughout The Legend of Korra

Varrick met Asami Sato during the Glacier Spirits Festival and offered to collaborate with her and restore Future Industries. He developed a liking for Bolin and developed a special friendship with him. He was also present at a festival that the Northern Water Tribe held in honor of Chief Unalaq. But as a Southerner, he always had Southern Water Tribe interests at heart. And therefore, when Chief Unalaq attacked the Southern Water Tribe, he was disgusted at the thought. Unalaq even ordered Varrick’s arrest on suspicion of conspiring against his government.

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And he only managed to evade his arrest by hiding inside a stuffed Platypus Bear with Zhu Li. He also assisted the Avatar in The Legend of Korra in escaping her father, Chief Tonraq, out of captivity.

After the escape, Varrick started to aid the Agni Kai Triad in sabotaging his shipments and stage them as if the Northerners had attacked them. His motive was to fan the flames of civil war and profit from it afterward. And even released propaganda films in this regard. He later bought a controlling share in the Future Industries when Mako came bursting in, causing enough uproar for Varrick to understand that Mako knows his true intentions.

As a result, he offered Mako to join his security team as a bribe, but after he refused, he set up Mako with incriminating evidence and got him arrested.

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Arrest And Escape

Varrick was exposed when Bolin beat out a confession from one of the kidnappers that Varrick had hired to kidnap President Raiko and his wife. After this, he tried to escape but was arrested by Chief Lin Beifong. He was put up in a luxury cell in the prison because he was the one who built the prison. And ordered to build a luxury cell as he had expected to end up in jail at some point in his life.

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Sometime after, when the Dark Avatar was destroying the Republic City, his prison wall broke, and he escaped with the help of Zhu Li to Zaofu. Suyin Beifong appointed her as the head of her Technology Department. When Avatar Korra and the rest of the team arrived, Lin Beifong got furious that her sister would give refuge to a wanted criminal, referring to Varrick. When the Red Lotus members infiltrated Zaofu to kidnap Korra, Varrick was also suspected of aiding them but was subsequently cleared. After the matter cleared up, Kuvira called Varrick to help in stabilizing Ba Sing Se after the murder of Earth Queen by Red Lotus members.

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Kuvira War

After Varrick joined Kuvire, he was tasked with developing new tech to help Kuvia’s army. He started on the project of weaponizing spirit vines but terminated the project after realizing the power of the vines. He did this to prevent this power from falling into the wrong hands and escaped to Republic City. Varrick played an instrumental role in defeating Kuvira’s army. And used EMP to stop the Mecha suits of the enemy.

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He married Zhu Li after the war ended and supported her to stand for the presidential elections. And became the First Gentleman. Varrick is one of the most important and integral characters of The Legend of Korra.

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The Best Appa Onesie And T-Shirts For You

The Best Appa Onesie And T-Shirts For You

In this article, we have featured some of the best available Appa onesie options for you to buy. We all know and love Appa. He is one of the most lovable characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV Series). Appa is the animal companion of Avatar Aang. And is the last surviving flying bison. The entire Air Nomad civilization was wiped out of existence by Firelord Sozin. He did so because he knew that the next Avatar after Roku would be an Air Nomad.

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So to prevent Avatar from interfering with his plans for world domination, Sozin killed all the Air Nomads. Each Air Nomad had a flying bison because they were the only way to reach the Air Temples. And like every other Air Nomad, Appa also had a sky bison whom he called Appa.

A sky bison chooses his own companion when they are quite young. And like other fellow Air Nomads, Aang also offered an apple to a very young Appa as a sign of companionship. Appa accepted the apple offering, and the two became lifelong companions.

After both of them were rediscovered by Katara and Sokka, a hundred years later, they were shattered at discovering that their entire civilization has been wiped out after their disappearance. Aang even blamed himself for this genocide.

Because as the Avatar, it was his responsibility to maintain the balance of the world. And when he was unable to do so, not only did his people die but also the entire world became engulfed in a hundred-year-long war. After coming to terms with these facts, Aang started working on mastering the other elements to defeat the Firelord Max Ozai to end this war.

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Appa Onesie

This amazing piece of clothing made is made in a one-piece style. It is also called a onesie and is a complete replica of Appa. It even comes with horns and a tail as well. The Appa onesie is white in color, with the front side being brown in color, resembling Appa.

We have selected two onesie options for you to buy. And both of these outfits are of premium quality. Trusted and verified vendors also deliver them with a flawless customer satisfaction score. So you can order any of these two outfits. You will definitely be happy and impressed with the product you receive. The Appa onesie is also the perfect costume for you to wear at birthday parties for your children.

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These onesies are very easy to use and can be worn quite easily. And are made up of high-quality fleece. These are suitable for wearing on Halloween, Christmas, and other fun family gatherings as well. You can also wear this Appa onesie on sleepover nights as well. Both these products are available in multiple sizes, so do check the size guide before ordering this onesie to avoid any inconvenience. And also to select the size that suits you the best.

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Appa was not just a companion to Avatar Aang but was like his family. In the episodes when The Sand benders kidnaped appa, Aang became pessimistic about the world, indicating that Appa’s mere presence has a very positive impact on Aang as they are the sole survivors of a once-great civilization.

If you liked this article, you should definitely visit our website,, to read other articles related to the Avatar universe. Our website provides all the information you will ever need on the Avatar universe and features well-detailed articles on several of your favorite characters and their related collectibles. Our team has also listed the best options to buy these collectibles at the best possible price.

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Aang vs Korra

Aang vs Korra: Who Wins The Battle of Avatars

Aang vs Korra is an often debated topic. For some reason, the fanbase always loves to put these two Avatars together to find out similarities, differences in power levels, and such.

Both Avatar Aang in The Last Airbender and Avatar Korra in the Legend of Korra both displayed mastery of the elements in such unbelievable ways and demonstrated unseen levels of power in bending. If these two came in a head-to-head battle, who is the more powerful Avatar? 

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On both of these television series, it was drawn that “bending” majorly speaks of the ability to telekinetically control and master the element of one’s nation of birth. These nations are four in number which include Water, Earth, Fire, or Air.

In each of these nations, they are taught how to bend one of these elements as a discipline of martial arts. The Avatar is unique by being the only individual with the capability to command every element, which both Aang and Korra learn to do on their respective shows. 

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The Aang vs Korra Debate

The debate of who the stronger Avatar never stops. There is an argument that usually comes up when this topic comes into discussion. This is that Korra is the stronger Avatar between the two of them. Some attribute it to her being more naturally physical than Aang.

This argument is backed up by the fact that following Aang’s training to become skilled in every element but his native one of air, Korra was already well ahead of Aang in this side of Avatar training. In her very first scene on The Legend of Korra, the young Avatar was in complete control of three out of four of the elements while she was still a small child, with air being the only element Korra could not yet bend. This is because this is her natural opposite.

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Just like any Avatar working with their direct opposite, Airbending proved to be a real challenge for Korra. When she was taken under the apprenticeship of Aang’s son, Tenzin, she experienced how almost impossible it was to master the element.

She was naturally hot-blooded which is the direct opposite of her predecessor, Avatar Aang. Airbending required a calm mind and a strong affinity for the spiritual arts. This is why Airbending monks spend years trying to detach themselves from the world and attain spiritual enlightenment. Despite her accomplishment, this is something she never truly excelled at compared to Avatar Aang. 

Although Korra would come to master Airbending during her training with Tenzin. She also showed that she was much more prone to frustration and letting her temper get the best of her than Aang was.

At the same time, Aang grew up as a Southern Air Temple monk, and while not incapable of losing his own temper, he had the ability to keep his emotions in check that Korra lacked.

However, the deciding factor for this aspect lies in Aang and Korra’s proficiency with the spiritual component of being the Avatar. In this part, what Korra excelled at and why makes her the lesser of the two in this section of spirituality. Aang was unquestionably the better of the two. While she relies on brute force and strength, she failed in aspects where Avatar Aang excelled. Aang vs Korra debate becomes tied at one and one.

Regardless of what we say, becoming skilled with every element is an essential step when aiming to become a fully realized Avatar. 

Understanding The Depths of The Avatar Role

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The spiritual core of being the Avatar is where one’s power is truly based. Strengthening one’s spiritual core is what makes them truly powerful. This can also be fine-tuned by bending mastery amongst other things. With the Avatar, channeling the Spirit of Light, Raava, along with his or her past lives, Aang was gifted with a far greater understanding of this than Korra ever was.

This leads back to being spiritually enlightened as an Avatar which Korra never was. He recognized that this was the foundation of his being an Avatar than Korra did. 

As earlier stated, this also goes back to Aang’s upbringing in the Southern Air Temple, which gave him an ideal basis to learn the ropes of being the Avatar. While “Bitter work” as Roku phrases it in terms of training is forty percent of the journey, the rest of the sixty percent strongly relies on an Avatar’s mastery of the spirit world.

What strongly disqualifies her for this category is that Korra was more likely than Aang to fall victim to being blinded by anger in difficult circumstances. She made a lot of mistakes this way due to her blind assumptions and anger. This would prove to be a challenge for her that went very close with her inability of mastering Airbending easily at first. This mastery and the strong affinity is the Avatar’s spiritual essence.

Also, due to the immense control Avatar Aang had on his spiritual side, he was much more adept. Aang was in his Avatar’s spirit’s strongest as we could see in his final battle with Fire Lord Ozai. He had undergone all the Chakra opening processes and could easily go in and out of the state, compared to Korra who entered the state a lot of the time by accident or when she was in grave danger.

Aang vs Korra: Who Gets The Upperhand?

Despite being in the Avatar State, driven by his countless past lives and fully preparing to slay Ozai, Aang nevertheless had the self-control to stop himself from doing so. This showed a level of mastery that was something to be admired.

It is no doubt that both Aang and Korra are very skilled as both Avatars and fighters. When we are discussing Avatar Korra, her stronger and better quality is having far more natural talent as a warrior than Aang. 

However, while Aang took his time throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender to attain mastery with each element, he also had a better understanding of the spiritual nature of the Avatar as being its foundation than Korra did in The Legend of Korra. Seeing as the Avatar is solely fueled by mastery of their spiritual self, this fact alone makes Aang the more powerful one of the two Avatars.

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Avatar girl

Girl Avatar: 6 of The Strongest Female Avatar Characters

Girl Avatars are not entirely uncommon. The Avatar world is filled with so many characters. Several reincarnations have come to play, of which girls happen to be one of these. Since we don’t have much information on girl Avatars save for three or four, as seen in the series, we would be discussing girl Avatars and girl characters in the Avatar world. This includes both the Last Airbender series and The Legend of Korra series as well. 

Some girl Avatars and girl characters that have made the series and, in fact, the franchise grow even more will be listed below. Here are the girl Avatar characters in no particular order.

Avatar Korra (The Most Popular Girl Avatar)

Avatar Korra is one of the prominent characters in the Avatar world. She is one of the girl Avatars that gives feminine Avatars a good name.

What especially makes Korra so cool is not her stubbornness. It’s her refusal to give up. She constantly stayed strong despite all the adversaries that came her way. Even when she was in a wheelchair, she would not stop thinking about getting stronger and overcoming the obstacles. One would expect maybe a much older Avatar to be the second on this list for cool Avatar.

Korra not only gained mastery of the other three elements quite early, but she also mastered it faster than most Avatar, second to Avatar Aang, who, despite spending time in the iceberg, mastered between age twelve and thirteen. Thus, Korra was well on her way to being a fully realized Avatar at sixteen.

Another thing that makes her cool is she is also the second Avatar after Wan to have done several impossible things. We see in the Legend of Korra series how she undoes some of the mistakes Wan made. She is the first Avatar to master metal bending and the second Avatar to fight Vaatu in an even more powerful form. Korra is one of the strongest characters in the whole series.

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Avatar Yangchen (The Wisest Girl Avatar)

Avatar Yangchen is also another Avatar we may not be too familiar with. Little of her was seen in the series. She, however, has more roles in the games and comics. In the scene where we see her, she commands a gust of wind that sweeps over a yawning field of grass. The power is extraordinary in itself as she displays extensive mastery of the art. 

In the comics, she goes one further and enters combat with the colossal spirit, General Old Iron. 

In this battle, we see her ability to surround herself in the same sphere of elements. This is a technique that Avatar Aang later uses against Fire Lord Ozai, and her advice to Aang to end Ozai’s life makes it clear that she was a deadly and formidable force.

Avatar Yangchen, or ‘The Great Yangchen’ as she would later come to be known, was widely revered as not only the most powerful avatar but also the most compassionate. 

Avatar Yangchen was, in fact, so very loved by the people of every nation that she became a sort of a deity. 

Citizens of the Earth Kingdom would pray to her for protection and luck.

Her mastery of airbending was said to be so developed that she could even change the weather. She is one of the girl Avatar characters we have on this list, and she is an extraordinary one at that too.

Princess Yue (The Most Sacrificial Girl Avatar)

Another amazing character that must be mentioned is Princess Yue. Yue was a princess, born to the Northern water tribe’s chief. She is the daughter of Chief Arnook, and she is also one of his advisors. After the death of the moon spirit Tui, she was burdened by the responsibility to give back the life she had been given. 

During the Siege of the Northern water tribe, the moon spirit was killed by Zhao, a fire nation soldier and Admiral. Yue sacrificed and replaced the moon spirit, sharing the position. 

Yue was born to the water tribe chief as a sick child. She had an unknown illness which caused her almost to be born still and asleep. As an Infant, she was quiet and didn’t cry but remained asleep. This caused her parents to worry, and they feared that she would die. However, her condition, growing critical, the tribe’s healers had tried their best. 

Yagoda, one of the best healers in the whole nation, also put in unlimited effort but to no avail. They all concluded that princess Yue was going to die. Arnook, desperate to save his daughter’s life, begged the moon spirit to save her. That night, under the full moon, he brought her to the spirit oasis. This was the center of all spiritual energy in the nation and was also the same oasis that Avatar Wan came across after being banished, weary and hungry. 

He placed her in the pond, and her once black hair turned white. The moon gifted her with part of its life force. Thus, she survived, and her parents named her Yue, meaning for the moon. 

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Toph Beifong (The Toughest Girl Avatar)

Toph Beifong, a blind earth bender, and later metal bender, is the only daughter of the Beifong family. They are known as one of the richest, if not the richest family in the whole world.

Several stories have gone on about what happens to our favorite characters after we last see them on the animation series. In addition, there are comic book issues that address some of these concerns but not directly concerning who Toph married. 

As far as we know, Toph married no one. Her two children Lin and Suyin, were born out of wedlock. We do know that Lin’s father is a man named Kanto. 

We recall Toph saying in the Legend of Korra series that it didn’t work out between them. 

This issue caused animosity between Toph and Lin.

Toph gave birth to Lin twenty years after the conclusion of the hundred-year war. Her daughter inherited her Earth bending abilities. She also trained her to master metal bending and even seismic sense. This is a skill that Toph perfected due to her lack of sight. 

Although, Toph feels like Lin never really fully mastered all the key elements to these skills. Toph and Lin share similar personalities, and Korra even referred to Toph as an older and crankier version of Lin. 

Both can be blunt and stubborn per the occasion, and Toph proudly referred to herself as the original Beifong. The family, due to his Toph must have handled them growing up, eventually breaks apart.  After twenty years of no contact, Toph and Lin found common ground and reconciled.

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Katara (The Most Compassionate Girl Avatar)

Katara is a water tribe girl that grows up to be the strong and independent woman we see her be. She is an example of a caregiving woman who would give anything to the people she calls family. Aside from being a role model when it comes to having a motherly instinct, she can be strong and clever but sweet and caring at the same time. 

Although she’s very kind, she would never strike you as a regular damsel in distress. She can protect herself and holds her own as a fighter. Eventually, others need saving from her and not the other way around. She is also regarded as an independent woman on her own journey.

Her backstory informs so much about her character. Her way of taking care of everyone around her comes from her motherly instincts, instincts that quickly came to force after the passing of her own mother. She is a very amazing character in the series. Her role cannot have been replaced.

Avatar Kyoshi (The Largest Girl Avatar)

Avatar Kyoshi is one of the strongest Avatars and a very controversial one per her methods. However, she was the Avatar that preceded Roku, who eventually preceded Aang. Kyoshi Warriors get a lot of praise for being an awesome female fighting force, but these soldiers owe their legacy to one person: Avatar Kyoshi.

Kyoshi has recently made a bit of a comeback with the release of a book series exploring her early life, but she is seldom seen in the show. However, the story of how she defeated Chin the Conqueror created Kyoshi Island is more than enough reason to include her on this list, as she mixed multiple Bending styles in a single moment to literally reshape the world by creating a new island and overthrowing a major military leader.

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Aang and Appa: Things You Didn’t Know About The Bison

Aang and Appa: Things You Didn’t Know About The Bison

Pets are valuable companions; in the sense that they provide companionship that is often impossible to rival. They stick around like glue – and they seem to know just what to do to help make things all better. For Aang and Appa, this relationship was next to brotherhood. Appa went everywhere that Aang went, and they were almost inseparable. 

Even when fate had them far from each other, they were both in such a terrible state that they could not function without one another. That’s a true relationship right there. 

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Aang is obviously the more popular member of this dynamic duo, but that doesn’t diminish Appa’s importance. However, not many people know much about the sky bison – which is understandable, as most people would focus on Aang’s story more than Appa.

More to Appa than meets the eye, more than him being the last remaining Sky Bison in the world; or one of the cuddliest characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender. He is the literal definition of a gentle giant, but don’t be fooled, as he can be quite aggressive and quick to anger if he perceives the slightest of threats aimed at his loved ones. 

Everything about Appa is expectedly adorable, but many facts about him are not as known as they should be. So let’s take them one by one.

Aang and Appa: The Sky Bison Chose Aang, Not The Other Way Around

When you set out to get a pet, you are the one making the active choice to take one particular animal home. That is how it’s always seemed to be. However, with Aang and Appa, the story all but turns on its head. 

Aang becomes an Airbending Master at the tender age of 12, after which he gets his tattoos. This sets a new world record, one that his granddaughter only breaks, Jinora, many years later. Airbending tradition states that the tattoo ceremony includes the bender bonding with a spirit animal. In this case, it is specifically one of the many Sky Bison that populate the regions around the Air Temples.

When Aang sets out to pick his companion, he meets several different calves to choose from. He is, however, aware that he must consider the Sky Bison’s preferences and respect that decision, as opposed to picking the Sky Bison he wanted the most. Once Appa accepts the gift of fruit, Aang and Appa create their bond, and their friendship is set for the rest of their lives, even into the afterlife.

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Appa Was Meant To Be A Dog Instead

Aang and Appa would have had a much different dynamic had the showrunners continued with the animal designs they had for Appa in the beginning. Interestingly, Appa wasn’t always a big fluffy Sky Bison at the start of the show’s production. Instead, he was a canine-inspired creature, definitely not as big as Appa; but still big enough to carry Aang around. 

It’s interesting to imagine just how the series would have gone had the creators decided to stick to the initial design. Surely, it would have been harder for Team Avatar to travel around the world with the ease that Appa had. It would have also impacted the relationship between Aang and Appa greatly. 

However, it all worked out well; the decision to alter Appa into the lovable big ball of fur we know now, and we did eventually get to see the design of the first animal companion. The design was converted into Avatar Korra’s polar bear dog, Naga.

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Aang and Appa: The Sky Bison Underwent A Lot Of Stylistic Changes

The animals in the world of the Last Airbender were conceived as combinations between two original animals. These hybrids would eventually become the norm in the series and spinoffs and tie-in comics. This was no different for the animal half in the relationship between Aang and Appa. 

Appa, and the rest of his species, was originally conceived as a combination of a bison and a manatee or a sea cow. This is in line with the pattern of strange hybrids that appear in the show. Examples include pairings that produced Rooster Pigs, Ostrich Horses, Hippo Cows, and even Lion turtles.

Interestingly, the earlier designs for Appa show that he was more sea cow than bison, which was eventually changed to what we have in the series. Appa was also supposed to have helical horns. But it would have been difficult to create that, considering the animation style used in the show.

The creators decided to opt for simpler horns instead. We can say their decisions definitely paid off, as fans all over the world fell in love with Appa’s design. Plus, Aang and Appa might have had a weird dynamic with the previous depictions – so it’s a good idea they didn’t go with all that. 

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Appa Weighs About 10 Tons

Obviously, Appa is a pretty big guy, but what exactly is his weight in numbers? 

Team Avatar has given us the answer to this on several occasions. It’s been stated that Appa being around was a gift from heaven, even when his weight just served about the same purpose as a battering ram.  He’s one ginormous animal companion, with his size coming in at least 10 feet in height at the shoulder, which is an unconfirmed number but can be deduced from his stance with humans beside him. 

In their lengthy time as Aang and Appa, along with observations from the rest of the team, particularly Sokka, the sky bison’s weight has been put at around 20,000 pounds – at least 10 tons. Of course, they didn’t have the means to measure Appa but judging from the bison’s size; you could argue that they are not far off with their estimation. 

His size has come in handy, helping them fight or in extremely tight conditions with dangerous weather.

Aang and Appa Don’t Always Agree

Even the best of friends aren’t always on the same page, so considering Aang and Appa are more or less family, that’s not a surprising fact at all. It is not hard to believe. However, the specifics where this applies can be a little comedic.

As much as Appa loves Aang, he doesn’t always answer his master’s calls. Instead, Appa answers a very special sky bison whistle, much like a dog whistle, which Aang uses whenever he needs him. But the whole whistle situation is somewhat humorous.

When Aang purchases a bison whistle on one of their stopovers, the Gaang mocks him for wasting their money. Katara demands that she be allowed to control their finances from that point on.

The whistle looks like a sham largely because when Aang blows it for the first time, Appa doesn’t come as he is supposed to. As it appears, the whistle either does not work, or Appa hears it and refuses to answer because he is sleeping. If anything is clear, it’s the fact that Appa likes his sleep. A LOT. We won’t put it past him if he decides not to answer. Sleep is important, after all.

Appa Understands Human Speech And Gestures

Appa expresses himself in grunts and bellows, and it looks like Aang is the only person who has any idea what is being communicated. Nonetheless, the Avatar has a penchant for making up random stories, so he might simply be playing a prank on his friends.

On the other hand, it’s definitive that Appa can understand what the others are saying, seeing as he accurately responds to Aang’s instructions— like when he asks him to pretend to be tired so that he could stay on Kyoshi Island long enough to ride the Elephant Koi. More importantly, Appa and Momo have developed a language system that is decipherable only amongst themselves.

Aang and Appa Differ In Their Meal Choices

For the most part, Appa behaves exactly like one of the cow family. He prefers to eat plants, hay, fruits, leaves, grass. In fact, a large fraction of his diet is vegetarian, but this still does not make him herbivorous, regardless of his bovine dentition or the arrangement of teeth in the mouth.

When necessary, for instance, during the episode “Appa’s Lost Days,” he tries to eat an egg because he had been starving for quite some time.  This proves that he’s obviously an omnivore if he can take in animal meat in any form.

Appa Is Smarter Than Most Humans

Appa is extremely mild-mannered (except when he perceives a threat to Aang or the others), which means that it is surprisingly easy to befriend the gentle creature. One example of this is his instant love for Sokka, which the latter would appreciate more if he didn’t get drenched in Sky Bison saliva so often.

In addition, Appa possesses at least some smarts, which is shown by how quickly and accurately he responds to specific instructions. As a result, a lot of the humans in the show could probably learn something from him.

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Aang and Appa Die Together

As sad as it sounds, the connection between an Airbender and their Sky Bison is permanent, implying that it can only be broken through death. So when Aang dies, around 53 years after the end of the Hundred Year War, it is believed that Appa goes with him.

Another reason for this outcome is that both of them had spent a century in icy hibernation, which may have had a drastic impact on their respective lifespans. On a different note: What happened to Momo?

He Is Not The Last Sky Bison In Existence

The Last Airbender is paired with the only remaining member of the Sky Bison, or so it seems in the beginning. Aang suspects that the gentle animals were eradicated along with the rest of the Air Nomads during the Fire Nation raids, a belief that holds for quite some time.

In The Legend of Korra, there are considerably more Sky Bison flying around, and none of them are descended from Appa. Apparently, Aang “discovers” that many of them had survived the Hundred Year War in hiding. They only emerged when the world became more peaceful.

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Complete Guide To The Avatar Background

Complete Guide To The Avatar Background

We all know about the Avatar Aang and Avatar Korra from their respective TV Series. But did you ever think about the background of Avatar? And how the Avatar got its powers? Avatar Aang was the lead character of Avatar: The Last Airbender while Avatar Korra was the main lead in The Legend Of Korra.

Both of these shows received critical acclaim and a huge fan-following. Avatar: The Last Airbender showcased the Avatar universe that was engulfed in war. Because the Fire Nation had started a war against the rest of the nations. And was slowly inching towards victory with each passing day. Avatar Aang was the only person who could defeat the Fire Lord and restore balance to the world.

And likewise, The Legend Of Korra revolved around the life of Avatar Korra and her adventures in a world after Aang. Most of the show was centered around Republic City. The Capital of the United Republic of Nations. This united republic was formed by Aang himself where all the people from different kingdoms could converge.

The people that belonged to the very first colonies of the Fire Nation in other Kingdoms. Became a part of these kingdoms and had married in those kingdoms as well. So they opposed the idea of disbanding the colonies as they considered themselves a part of the kingdoms where they were living. To solve this issue Aang, Zuko, and Kuei lay the foundation of a democratic republic where Korra ultimately was born.

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But in this article, we will focus on the background of how The Avatar got his powers and came into existence. And how did he evolve into becoming the link between spirit and the human worlds?

Background Of The Avatar

In the Human World of the Avatar universe, an avatar is a person that has the ability to bend all four elements. And his primary role is to maintain a balance between all these kingdoms. An avatar also serves as the link between the human and spirit worlds. But about 10,000 years before Korra the world was a very different place. Spirits roamed the human world freely and humans were very few in number. Both of these entities were always at odds and competed for the resources of the world.

Humans were very few in number and did not live on the mainlands where spirits were mostly found. Humans were living in the sea-turtle cities situated on the backs of huge sea turtles. The sea turtles protected the humans from these wandering spirits. In one of these cities, a person named Wan was born. Who later went on to become the first Avatar over the course of his lifetime. And was the first human to master all the four elements.

History Of Wan

Wan was born in a city situated on the back of a fire lion. He was very poor and his only mission in life was to steal food from the ruling Chou family and give it to his friends. He was caught one day and could not get the food so gave them whatever little he had remained. But after this encounter, he was extremely demoralized and questioned the imbalance of the world. Afterwards, he was recruited by a group of hunters who were going onto the mainland to look for food.

But before they went on their journey the fire lion gave them the ability of firebending so that they could survive in the wild. But they were to return the firebending on their return. Wan did not do so and used his ability to steal from the Chou family after returning to the city. He attacked their food supplies while using a mask but was uncovered by the Chou’s. This led him to be presented in front of the Lion turtle for his crime. He was banished to the wild but was allowed to keep the power to protect himself in the wild.

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Wan’s Banishment

The initial days were very troubling for Wan as he was constantly fighting the spirits and was famished. He could not find anything to eat. He discovered an Oasis but was refused entry by the aye-aye spirit because he was human. After being refused entry into the oasis he set out in search of other cities. But encountered a trapped cat deer spirit and helped it out of the net that hunters had put to capture it.

After this the aye-aye spirit was convinced that he is not like other humans and allowed him entry into the oasis. He stayed with the spirits for some time and mastered firebending by the dragons. He used his abilities to protect the spirits and drive off hostile humans.

Encounter With Raava

After two years Wan left the oasis behind in search of other turtle cities. While on his search he encountered two spirits fighting. When he tried to intervene Raava told him that this fight does not concern him. He intervened nonetheless on pleas of Vaatu who asked Wan to help as he had been facing torture for 10,000 years. And freed Vaatu from Raava. To which Raava rebuked him and introduced herself as the spirit of light and Vaatu as the spirit of Darkness.

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Wan was ashamed of his actions and offered his help to Raava but she rejected him. Wan then went to a city where people had the ability of Airbending. He met them and told them of their exploits, but Vaatu appeared and turned all the spirits into their evil form. After which the spirits started to attack the humans. Right at that time Raava appeared and chased Vaatu away.

Background Behind Wan Becoming The Avatar

After this encounter, Wan noticed that she has grown weak and offered his help again. Raava accepted his help and they went to the lion turtle to ask for the ability of Airbending as well. The creature gave him the ability on the condition that Raava will hold it till he masters it. Raava then passes through Wan while bonding their energy in the process. And gave him the Airbending ability. Both of them traveled to other cities and helped Wan master the remaining elements as well.

On their travels, they met Wan’s old friends that were very hostile towards the spirits. Wan tried to explain to them that not all spirits are bad. But at the same time, Vaatu appeared turning all the surrounding spirits evil. Wan used his ability of all four elements but was defeated so Raava had to fuse herself with Wan, but Vaatu escaped and told them that he will fight Raava on the day of harmonic convergence.

Formation Of The Avatar Spirit

On the day of harmonic convergence, both the southern and northern portals to the spirit world converged into one. Wan fought Vaatu at the day with Vaatu easily avoiding all the attacks on him. So Wan asked Raava to bond with him to defeat Vaatu. Both of them fought bravely but were no match for Vaatu.

Wan even risked his life by allowing Raava to bond with himself for very long without even caring for his life. Desperate to defeat Vaatu, Wan placed his hand on the portal which bonded him with Raava permanently, giving rise to the Avatar spirit and Avatar form. This bonding provided him with huge strength due to which he was able to defeat Vaatu and trap him inside an elemental cage. And imprisoned him inside the Hollow Tree Of Spirit.

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After defeating Vaatu, Wan asked all the spirits to return to the spirit world and closed the portals afterward. Wan became the bridge between the spirit world and started to teach the world to respect the spirits. His other job was to keep a balance between the people of different turtle cities with different powers. He spent his life doing this and died while striving for this balance as well. After his death, Raava bonded with his incarnation making him the new Avatar.

All the Avatars are actually the incarnation of Avatar Wan and have the same purpose which is to maintain the balance of the Avatar universe. All the different incarnations spent their life while trying to do this task.

Each Avatar could also connect with his past selves with the help of the Avatar spirit and ask them for guidance. Each new Avatar improved the abilities of the previous incarnation making them more powerful with each passing incarnation according to this look into the background of the Avatar.


In this article, our team has tried to summarize the complete background of the Avatar and how the Avatar spirit was formed. If you liked this article, then you should definitely visit our website to read other popular features on Avatar as well.

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Who Is Momo the Reincarnation of?

Avatar the Last Airbender is an amazing show set in an elaborate world inspired by real cultures. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the connection between Buddhism and the air nomads. While their lifestyle and clothing certainly ring some bells, the whole concept of reincarnation is a major underlying theme of the whole series. The theme even continues with Momo.

In fact, it’s kind of the whole “avatar” thing. Aang is the reincarnation of the avatar entity – so who’s to say that he’s the only incarnation. One fan was quick to point out that there are many reasons why one of the most beloved (albeit unassuming) is likely a reincarnation.

Reddit user, PM_ME_SOME_ANY_THING, posted about how she believes there is a lot more to Momo than we give him credit for. They argue that Momo is actually the reincarnation of another air nomad, Monk Gyatso.

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Who Is Monk Gyatso?

If the name doesn’t ring any immediate bells, don’t feel too bad. The character didn’t get a lot of screen time. In fact, we only got to see him in flashbacks (sparing the scarring moment when the gang discovered his skeleton in the deserted temples). He’s actually a very important character, though, who played a key role in Aang’s upbringing.

Gyatso was both Aang’s guardian and mentor. He was a gentle soul who guided the young avatar and taught him all about the ways of the air nomads. Gyatso was a fun-loving character who was an amazing airbender and, obviously, loved Aang very much. Even though he died nearly a century before, there is some reason to believe that he was watching over Aang and the gang in a somewhat literal sense.

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What’s the Argument?

So what’s the reasoning behind Momo the old Monk? To understand this argument, we have to go all the way back to the grisly beginning of the flying lemur. Unlike Appa, Momo was not part of the gang from the start. When Aang first woke up and embarked on his adventure, it was just him, Appa, Katara, and Sokka.

It was a pretty rough and naïve start to this new adventure, and one of their first decisions as a group was to seek out their air temples. From the beginning of the story, we are told how the air nomads were wiped out by the fire nation (specifically to kill off any potential avatar reincarnations as the air nation was next in line). While the audience kind of expects this trip is going to go a little badly, there’s a part of us rooting for someone (anyone) to be there.

Well, it was a complete disaster.

The temples were not only destroyed but abandoned. While Aang remembers his home “just like it was yesterday,” a lot can happen in a hundred years (especially while there’s an intense war going on). Although there is not a person in sight, the gang soon finds out that they are actually not the only living things there. They end up finding the sole flying lemur, Momo.

What happens next is the moment that inspired the entire fan theory. Momo dashes off and inadvertently lead Aang to the remains of his mentor, Monk Gyatso. This seemingly coincidental moment sends Aang off the deep end. It’s our first real glimpse of just how dark this “children’s” show wants to take us.

How does this event point to reincarnation? Well, think about the intention for a moment. They were in a giant temple, and the lemur just so happened to lead him to the dead body of his mentor? Furthermore, the flying lemur doesn’t leave his side since this moment. It all starts out with a seemingly skittish lemur running away, but upon showing Aang the remains of the Monk (and him going full-on avatar-state), he joins the crew and never tries to leave again.

What does Aang think?

Of course, we can’t know what Aang is thinking, and it’s never explicitly said, but his strange relationship with the lemur also inspired the theory. Aang is a loving and compassionate character who takes care of his companions and loves animals. He goes above and beyond to keep them safe (and we all remember the drama and trauma of Appa going missing).

Still, not all of his interactions are the same. Appa, the flying bison with which he was raised (and frozen), is an important part of his life. They are very close, and he treats him with the utmost respect, even going far as defending him from passive-aggressive comments.

However, the relationship they have is really like that of someone and their pet. He gives Appa a few short phrases now and again and constantly tells him what a good bison he is. However, he does not have this same relationship with Momo. Instead, Aang talks to Momo as though he was a person.

He and Momo have a strong relationship that feels more like a person and their friend versus an animal. Momo also demonstrates some cognitively advanced behavior. Of course, this sounds like we’re really “reaching” wince. It’s a kid show, but many of the other animals act on commands or just like regular animals. However, Momo seems to have a higher level of self-awareness.

Considering how big of a part of their lives reincarnation is, it isn’t too farfetched to believe that Aang would believe Momo was a reincarnation. Plus, the two had a pretty deep and immediate connection with each other.

Is this theory confirmed?

So – like many other things in the universe of Avatar the Last Airbender, creators don’t actually comment on anything. They let fans freely express themselves without ever making any real comments. What we could look as is original intentions.

In the Avatar Extras, creators reveal some of the content from the episode where Momo first appeared at the Southern Air Temple. It turns out, originally, they were going to go with the idea that Momo was the reincarnation of Gyatso. Just because it was written into the original plan doesn’t mean that it’s true, though.

Momo went under several different “versions” before becoming the loveable lemur that we grew to know. There were plans to have him be a little robot companion or even have Aang’s tattoos. In the end, we got the lemur, and the direct confirmation about reincarnation was scrapped.

Will we ever know?

Avatar is getting a lot of attention thanks to the surge in popularity following the Netflix re-release. While the show ended over a decade ago, the franchise isn’t dead yet. Comics could always come through, and there is the chance that other elements of the story may be explored in the upcoming show.

For now, though, it seems fan theories will have to remain just that. Without any direct answers from creators, fan theories are just a great way to have fun and add depth to the universe.

Do you think that Momo is a reincarnation? What are some of your favorite Avatar fan theories? We want to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below!

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Aang Costume: How To Dress Like Aang

So you’ve got cosplay ideas, and you’re not quite sure on what to go with or who to go as. Well, maybe you have and you’re eyeing an Aang costume. The problem is you have absolutely no idea how you should go about it, and now you’re stuck on what to do. 

As always, we’ve got you covered with what to do about your Aang costume, so you don’t have to break a sweat. We’ve got costume guides on what you need and how you need to go about with the perfect Avatar costume. 

In this article, we’ll be covering two of the most popular characters of the franchise. They are members of the original Team Avatar and perhaps are the two most cosplayed characters ever. Here’s your Aang Costume Guide to help you dress just like Avatar Aang.

Aang Costume: How To Dress Like Aang

Dressing like Aang might look like a lot of work; but it is an Aang costume that you can pull off easily with the right materials. So, before we get on with what you need in your Avatar costume wardrobe, let’s dive into the character himself so you can get a sense of his type of person. After all, how a person dresses usually determines what kind of person they are.

About Aang

Aang is a merrymaking kid, adventurous, and perhaps a little naive as well. Possessing keen respect for personal independence and life, he does not eat meat and is at times very reluctant to engage in conflict. Constantly craving the stimulation of new surroundings and people, he is often distracted and will take detours much to the annoyance of his friends and foes.

Discouraged by the weight of his responsibilities, Aang often longed for the simplicity of those people’s lives. This did not stop him from building an impressive collection of friends and contacts, spanning the four nations. A love for animals drew his attention to the different variations found in each region.

Even with a carefree facade, the weight of his responsibilities was burdensome to Aang. The reality of being the last Airbender left him without any realistic peers. He often felt alone. It was these struggles that pushed Aang to nurture his relationships with others as without them; he would be very much alone in his role.

Aang Costume: Items You Will Need

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These are all the items you’ll need to recreate the Aang costume, as seen from Seasons 1 to 2, and then in the latter parts of Season 3

Aang costume options can either be in partial clothing, as seen in the final battle with Fire Lord Ozai, or on the Day of the Invasion; or in full clothing, as seen in the rest of the series. Aang can be played by both male and female cosplayers, as he is a very versatile character. The bald cap will help to stimulate the monk haircut, so you don’t have to worry about cutting your hair. 

If you’re going for a look with partial clothing then you have the choice of going shirtless and painting on his symbols or wearing just a sash over a bare chest. Then you can just paint on his head arrow symbol. Brown, wide-legged pants with either colored tights or tall boots will take care of what little clothing is required for this look.

For full coverage, a yellow tunic can be made or purchased online (we have added an Amazon link just to make your task easier).

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