An Avatar is reincarnated again and again in the Avatar cycle, as we learned in Avatar: The Last Airbender. The Avatar cycle is based on the four seasons. And like the passing of four seasons in a cyclic order, each time an Avatar dies, he is reincarnated in the next kingdom. The order of the Avatar cycle is Fire, Air, Water, and Earth in the order of how the first Avatar mastered the elements. After Wan bonded with the spirit of light Raava, the Avatar was created. And after this, the cycle continued for about the next 10,000 years till the next harmonic convergence. During this event, Raava was extracted by Unalaq and severely injured, breaking the Avatar cycle. Making many fans ask the question, “Is Korra the Last Avatar.”
To most straightforward answer to this question is “no” Korra is not the last Avatar. And in this article, we will look at some of the reasons that led us to this conclusion.
Historical Perspective
When Wan bonded with Raava, that made him the first Avatar, and during his lifetime, he sent all the spirits back to the spirit world. And reassured the spirits that as the Avatar he will be the bridge between the spirit world and the human world. It was his lifelong struggle that led him to this decision. At this time, humans used to live in sea lion cities, and the members of each city had different bending abilities based on what the sea lion had taught them.
Wan was the first person to master all the four elements, and when he returned to his people. He found out that humans and spirits are always fighting with each other, which led him to send the spirits back to their world and seal the portals. After this, the humans that were left behind had different abilities to bend. And they started fighting amongst themselves for complete dominion over each other. Wan spent the rest of his life trying to propagate peace between these people. And even died on a battlefield doing so but to no avail.
The later Avatars decided that the only way the world can live in peace is that the people with different bending abilities should be separated and never allowed to mix up to maintain peace. These groups that were separated formed the basis of the four nations namely Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
And Firelord Sozin used this information about the Avatar cycle to destroy all the Air Nomads. And began the hundred-year war. Because according to this cycle the next Avatar would be from the Air Nation.
Avatar Cycle
The Avatar Cycle which was formed when Wan and Raava bonded together, was broken after Unalak or The Dark Avatar injured Raava severely. This led to Raava exiting Korra’s body breaking this cycle. But Korra later refused with Raava in the last moments of the Harmonic convergence starting the new Avatar cycle.
Meaning that she has essentially severed her connection with her past selves that started from Wan and ended at Aang. She could not establish a spiritual connection with any of the old Avatars due to the breaking of the old Avatar cycle.
Is Korra The Last Avatar
No Korra is not the last Avatar because she was able to bond herself again with the spirit of Raava giving birth to a new Avatar Cycle. If she had not been able to bond with Raava during this harmonic convergence. Then she would have been the last Avatar. She is now the creator of a new Avatar cycle, meaning that the next Avatar born after her would not be able to call upon anybody from the past Avatar selves or Avatars from the old process.
And will only have the guidance of Korra to guide them through their lives. So, as the old cycle began from Wan, the new process started from Korra. It essentially means that she is the first Avatar of the news cycle.
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