Avatar: The Last Airbender introduced the bending of elements in the context of the 4 basic elements. It also described a deeper meaning behind each type of bending. The show explained the nature of each element through bending abilities. We learned that to bend an element, you must replicate its qualities and behave like that element as an extension. In this article, we will look at the traits of a fire bender and also discuss if you possess these traits.
More than anything, a firebender is driven by passion. If a firebender does not have a passion, he might even lose his bending ability, as we later saw Zuko lose his bending. As per Zuko, his only goal in life was to capture the Avatar, which drove his bending abilities. However, when Zuko chose to join the Avatar instead and become his master, he lost that drive, resulting in his inability to firebend anymore.
So passion is one of the most important personality traits of a Firebender.
Will And Energy
According to Uncle Iroh, “The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want.”
We see Iroh explaining to Zuko that a Firebender has the will and energy to act on that will. But that does not mean that one has to destroy everything in one’s path. We saw Zuko as a hothead who didn’t care about his crew and members and only wanted to capture the Avatar. Uncle Iroh always explained to him that he needs to be calm and will and energy do not always have to be aggressive.
Uncle Iroh also explained that following one’s will does not have to be synonymous with destruction. He explained that fire without a clear goal could spread everywhere, causing destruction. For example, the hundred-year war is compared to fire across the Avatar universe. This was because although Sozin thought he should share his greatness with the rest of the world, he chose a destructive way.
He even killed all of the Air Nomads that are otherwise harmless people. So even though Sozin started the war to share the greatness of the Fire Nation, he did it without any clear goal. He did not stop to think for a moment that what he considers greatness might not be the same for other people. Instead of peacefully communicating his thoughts to others, he forced his opinion on other nations’ people.
His war spread like a wildfire that engulfed and destroyed everything in its reach. The war is a source of destruction since it was started without any clear goal. But if a fire has a purpose, it can also be a source of comfort for others.
So if you have the will and energy to use it with caution and think about how your actions will affect others, you have one of the most significant firebender personality traits.
Azula and Iroh are two typical examples of this contradiction. Azula is ruthless and destroys everything in her way, while Iroh comforts and nurtures everyone around him like a warm fire instead of coldness of Azula.
Zuko’s Thoughts On The War
On roaming the other nations, Prince Zuko discovered the reality of Sozin’s war and stated, “Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history, and somehow the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was.”
This realization showed that he knew this war was based on a lie that was started by someone who believed that he was superior to others when in reality, that was not the case.
Having the negative firebender personality traits does not mean a person is bad. Instead, it is based on how a person uses these abilities. So, if you have these abilities, use them wisely to become a true firebender.
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