The Legend of Korra is set decades after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Many characters from the original show made appearances in The Legend of Korra, including Zuko, Aang, Toph, etc. But we never saw Azula appear in The Legend of Korra series, at least not on the TV series. So fSo fanshave always wondered about what happened to the Fire Bending prodigy after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In this article, we will see if Azula made an appearance in the sequel saga.
After Azula was captured, she suffered a serious meltdown, leaving her even more twisted. The worst thing about this meltdown was that she lost control over her sanity and became even more eccentric. She was admitted to a mental institute.
Sometime later in the comics, Zuko started asking Ozai about his mother’s whereabouts. Ozai told Zuko that he would tell what he knew only to Azula. After resisting Ozai for some time, Zuko ultimately released Azula and brought her to Ozai. She then accompanied Zuko and the team Avatar on their conquest to find her and Zuko’s mother.
While on the conquest, she again suffered a serious meltdown, attacked the team with all her might, and escaped during “The Search” timeline of Avatar: The Last Airbender comics.
She reappeared in the “Smoke and Shadow” timeline and tried to depose Zuko as the Firelord and take the throne herself. However, this plan was foiled, and Azula again disappeared.
Azula in Legend of Korra Saga
Azula did not appear in the TV series, and even though fans wanted to know about her, there was no official update on her status. However, fans did get to witness an event involving a Fire Nation Shaman that fans think was Azula due to her resemblance to the original character. There is no official confirmation that the shaman was indeed Azula, but fans have theorized that she did not disclose her true identity as she was embarrassed.
In The Legend of Korra Book 2, Korra is attacked by a Dark Spirit and washes up on a remote island in the Fire Nation. The residents of the Island take Korra to their Shaman. She is extremely skilled, has a vast knowledge of Reiki and Bending, and heals Korra after sensing her spiritual energy. She is the same age as Zuko and other characters from Aang’s time. Another striking resemblance between Azula and the Shaman is they also wear their hair in the same style.
Fans have long argued that this Shaman is, in fact, Azula. She is living her last days and raising Sky Bisons to compensate for what her family did to Airbenders. She has also developed a deeper understanding of the Firebending arts and focused on how this bending can be used to heal people.
It is highly unlikely that the show’s creators did this deliberately. The shaman is nothing more than a coincidence on an official level. If you like this article, visit our website for more articles on the Avatar Universe.