The Legend Of Korra Game is based on an animated TV Series with the same name. This game was released across multiple platforms like Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. And is not to be confused with The Legend Of Korra: A New Era Begins, which was released only on Nintendo 3Ds. The Legend of Korra Game was released in 2014. The game received mixed to poor reviews and was almost universally panned by critics worldwide.
In this article, we will look at the gameplay, story, and reception of the game in complete detail.
This game is developed between the second and the third seasons of The Legend Of Korra. This time is two weeks, according to the chronology of the animated series. This Game, The Legend Of Korra, focuses on a spirit named Hundun. Hundun is an ancient evil spirit trapped in the spirit world by the Avatar. And after the events of the harmonic convergence, when Korra chooses to leave the portals to the spirit world open, Hundun is also freed.
The game starts with Korra losing her powers at the hands of a chi-blocker. She regains her dominance over the course of the game. Korra’s mission in the game is to stop Hundun from spreading chaos in the world and protect herself from a grudge that Hundun holds against a past Avatar and is now seeking vengeance against Korra.
This game is a third-person action game with the players only being able to control the game’s lead, Korra only. The game does not support multiple characters play. Korra faces her enemies from the first two seasons in the game using her mastered bending arts. And Korra can shift between any of the four elements, namely Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. She can switch between any of the elements at will to combat her enemies.
As the game starts with Korra losing all of her bending abilities so she acquires Waterbending first, Earthbending second which is followed by Firebending. The Airbending is acquired late in the game. And after acquiring all of the four elements she also unlocks the Avatar mode near the end of the game. Each element has its own set of attacks that the player can use.
Another very interesting feature in this game is the counterattacking option which the player can use just before being hit by an enemy’s attack. It even causes more damage and is also the only way to defeat the bosses. The game also includes a new level that can be unlocked after completing the original. This new level includes a runner with Naga as well as Pro-bending matches. Fire Ferrets are also unlocked after finishing the game and consist of Mako, Bolin, and Korra.
The initial reception for the development versions of the game was positive. But the final version was thrashed worldwide because of low-quality cutscenes, very simple settings, and even simpler gameplay especially the combat. The story lacked everything that made the animated series great. All the versions of the game received mixed to negative reviews.
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